Increasing Storage Security with 2-Factor-Authentication

There are many things you can do to make your QuantaStor storage system more secure (strong passwords, snapshots, etc.) but one of the easiest things you can do is to enable two-factor-authentication (2FA) that was added in QuantaStor 6.2.

QuantaStor uses TOTP or Time-based One-Time Passwords for 2FA and it works by having your phone or other security device generate a token that you enter when logging in along with your password.

What’s great about TOTP is that it works everywhere, it’s super easy to use, and doesn’t use or need an online internet connection. TOTP just requires that your phone has an accurate clock which it always does as it’s updated automatically by your cell phone provider network throughout the day.

Install a TOTP Authentication Apps for your Phone

To get started you’ll want to install a TOTP app on your phone like Google Authenticator or  Microsoft Authenticator. These apps will be able to read a QR Code that QuantaStor generates so that you can import your QuantaStor TOTP user token into your phone so that it can then generate TOTP codes for you.

Enabling 2FA in QuantaStor

To enable 2FA for a user account the account must already be created first. Once created you’ll navigate to the Security tab to modify the user account like so:

Security [tab] -> Management Users [section] -> ‘Modify User..’ [right-click]

After the dialog appears, select the OTP/2FA Authentication tab, then check the box to “Enable OTP/2FA Authentication”, then press the button to “Generate QR Code”. 

Now load the Google Authenticator application that you installed on your phone in the previous step, and then scan the QR code to import your security token.   Finally, press OK to save the security token to the user account.

Log in with 2FA

That’s all there is to it, now just log out then log in again with your username and password. Once you press the login button you’ll see a new dialog appear requesting your TOTP code which you’ll get from your Google Authenticator app.  Enter that and press OK and you’re in.

As you can see, enabling 2FA is really easy and a great way to add some additional security to your storage environment. Hope you enjoyed this article, if you’re new to QuantaStor and would like to give it a go we have a free Community Edition and a larger capacity 30 day Trial Edition and both license types are available from our web site at Questions, comments, write to us at

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