Auto-tiering Ceph Object Storage – Part Two

In Part Two of this blog series we’re getting into the fun part of writing a simple Lua script to start automatically tiering (organizing) S3 objects into the right pools by dynamically changing the Storage Class setting on the fly as objects are being uploaded (S3 PUTs).  

If you haven’t read Part One, you’ll want to check that out here as it lays the groundwork for what we’re covering here in Part Two.

Why Auto-Tiering Matters

Having different tiers (Storage Classes) is really important not just for cost savings but also for performance considerations.  As we discussed in Part One if you’re uploading millions of small 1K objects it is a generally bad idea to write those objects into an erasure-coded data pool.  It’ll be slow, you’ll waste a lot of space due to object padding, and you’ll have unhappy users.  But the key is to have the objects get assigned to a suitable storage class automatically as users oftentimes will not make the effort to categorize them themselves.

Revisiting our diagram from Part One we’ll use this example again in Part Two as we write up a Lua script.

Before we jump into the Lua though, a big THANK YOU to Yuval Lifshitz and team for implementing the feature we’re discussing here today.  That feature of course is the ability to inject Lua scripts into the CephRGW (CephRGW = Ceph Rados Gateway = S3 protocol gateway) so we can do fun stuff like auto-tiering.

I’d also like to highlight the Lua scripting and talk done by Anthony D’Atri and Curt Bruns that you can find on YouTube that gave me the idea for this series.  In that video you’ll see how they developed a Lua script to auto-tier between TLC and QLC based NVMe storage – highly recommend.

A Basic Lua Example

We’re going to start with a basic example and borrow from Curt and Anthony’s Lua script.  In this script we’ll assign objects to three different Storage Classes we defined in the example from Part One.  Those Storage Classes are STANDARD (for our objects greater than 1MB), MEDIUM_OBJ (for objects between 16K and 1MB), and SMALL_OBJ for everything less than 16K.

— Lua script to auto-tier S3 object PUT requests

— exit script quickly if it is not a PUT request

if Request == nil or Request.RGWOp ~= “put_obj”




— apply StorageClass only if user hasn’t already assigned a storage-class

if Request.HTTP.StorageClass == nil or Request.HTTP.StorageClass == ” then

  if Request.ContentLength < 16384 then

    Request.HTTP.StorageClass = “SMALL_OBJ”

  elseif Request.ContentLength < 1048576 then

    Request.HTTP.StorageClass = “MEDIUM_OBJ”


    Request.HTTP.StorageClass = “STANDARD”


  RGWDebugLog(“applied ‘” .. Request.HTTP.StorageClass .. “‘ to object ‘” .. Request.Object.Name .. “‘”)


Installing Lua Scripts into CephRGW

Next you’ll save the above Lua script to a file like autotier.lua and then you can install it into the CephRGW gateways like so:

radosgw-admin script put –infile=./autotier.lua –context=preRequest

There’s no need to restart your CephRGW instances, the script becomes active immediately for all your RGW instances in the zone.  Note though, if you’re doing more advanced scripting and are adding a new Lua package then the CephRGW instances will need to be restarted one time on all the nodes in the zone like so:

# sudo systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@radosgw.*

As illustrated by the diagram, object information about each request including the S3 PUT request, is sent to our autotier.lua script.  In there we’re able to dynamically update the value of Request.HTTP.StorageClass to get our objects into the optimal data pools.  Now simply upload some objects to any bucket and you’ll see that they’re getting routed to different data pools based on the dynamically assigned StorageClass value applied by the autotier.lua script.


To debug the script and see what’s going on via the RGWDebugLog messages we’ll want to enable debug mode into the CephRGW and that’s done by editing the ceph.conf, adding ‘debug rgw 20’ to the RGW section, then restarting your CephRGW.  Here’s what my radosgw section looks like, and you can ignore all of it except for the two debug options added to the end.


        admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.radosgw.smu-80.asok

        host = smu-80

        keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring

        log file = /var/log/radosgw/client.radosgw.smu-80.log

        rgw dns name =

        rgw frontends = beast endpoint=

        rgw print continue = false

        rgw zone = us-east-1

        debug rgw = 20

Now we restart the CephRGW to apply the debug settings we added to the ceph.conf.  There are ways you can dynamically enable debug mode without changing the ceph.conf like (ceph config set client.radosgw.smu-80 debug_rgw 20) but it’s generally best to update the ceph.conf so your debug mode setting is saved between restarts.

# sudo systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@radosgw.*

Last, let’s look at the log, on RHEL you’ll find the log under /var/log/ceph/FSID/ but I’ve got my log file set to go here /var/log/radosgw/client.radosgw.smu-80.log so I use this to view the Lua debug messages:

# tail -f  /var/log/radosgw/client.radosgw.smu-80.log | grep Lua

Now I can see all the messages on how the objects are getting tagged as I upload objects into the object store.

2024-02-14T06:08:11.257+0000 7f16a8dc1700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘MEDIUM_OBJ’ to object ‘security_features_2023.pdf’

2024-02-14T06:08:12.345+0000 7f171569a700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘MEDIUM_OBJ’ to object ‘security_features_2023.pdf’

2024-02-14T06:08:13.389+0000 7f16a55ba700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘MEDIUM_OBJ’ to object ‘security_features_2023.pdf’

2024-02-14T06:08:14.465+0000 7f1742ef5700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘MEDIUM_OBJ’ to object ‘security_features_2023.pdf’

2024-02-14T06:08:42.928+0000 7f16d7e1f700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘SMALL_OBJ’ to object ‘whitepaper.docx’

2024-02-14T06:08:44.012+0000 7f1680570700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘SMALL_OBJ’ to object ‘whitepaper.docx’

2024-02-14T06:08:45.056+0000 7f1674558700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘SMALL_OBJ’ to object ‘whitepaper.docx’

2024-02-14T06:08:46.092+0000 7f1664d39700 20 Lua INFO: applied ‘SMALL_OBJ’ to object ‘whitepaper.docx’


To test this out you’ll want to upload some objects of various sizes and you’ll see the storage-class tag get applied to them dynamically.  Note that if you assign a tag like “PERFORMANCE” to a PUT request and you haven’t configured it then your data will just get routed into the pool associated with the “STANDARD” storage-class, typically if you have a default config.  


We hope you enjoyed this tutorial on auto-tiering Ceph object storage with Lua.  In Part Three we’re going to deep dive into setting up a Ceph object cluster with three Storage Classes from scratch using QuantaStor 6.  We’ll have a companion video on YouTube where we’ll go through setting up everything and then we’ll go into more CephRGW Lua scripting where we’ll organize objects not just by size but by string match to specific file name extensions.  Last, thanks to Anthony D’Atri and Yuval Lifshitz for their help in reviewing and proofreading these articles.

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