QuantaStor 5.3 Released with Enhanced Upgrade Manager, Expanded Real-time Stats, and Hardware Integration

QuantaStor 5.3 brings several new features designed to streamline upgrades and system monitoring. Below are highlights from the latest release.

Upgrade Manager

The improved Upgrade Manager enables users to bring all of their QuantaStor servers up to the latest available versions via the web UI or the CLI in a single operation. Upgrades may be performed on each storage system independently or run as a group so that administrators can upgrade their storage grid in stages. Additionally, the process can assist in fresh installs or repairing broken or incomplete installs. A subsequent upgrade manager improvement coming later this year will let users upgrade the underlying base operating system version.

Dashboard and Analytics

QuantaStor now has real-time statistics that show the efficiency and utilization level of the data cache per Storage System. These stats include the cache hit ratio, cache size, and the type of cache style that’s most efficient (most recent versus frequently used data).

QuantaStor users can now toggle between the ‘Performance’ and ‘Cache Stats’ buttons on the Storage System Dashboard to see different graphs. The ‘Cache Stats’ shows new statistics and the ‘Performance’ shows the CPU/Network/Memory statistics.

Expanded Hardware Support

Expanded server integration includes gathering and monitoring power supplies, fans, and CPU temperature for all the latest generation of servers from Cisco, HPE, Dell, Supermicro, and Western Digital. IPMI network information has also been added to the storage system properties to simplify remote administration.

We recommend that everyone upgrade to the latest version of QuantaStor to get the improvements and maintenance fixes that are included with each new product release. To view the complete change log with upgrade instructions, please see the online documentation available here.

Categories: Storage Appliance Hardware

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